Welcome to OTIS!

My  name is J.W. Ocker. And this is my website. OTIS is a chronicle of my visits to the unusual. I also write books. Party with me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Patreon (which features a weekly newsletter and other perks). Reach out to me at ockerjw@gmail.com or to my agent here


Episode 36 of Odd Things I've Seen: The Podcast is out! In it, I read the introduction to my book, The United States of Cryptids, as well as an entry on one of the weirdest cryptids in its pages: The giant sky clams of Nevada. Come for the bigfoot parties. Stay for the flying mollusks. 

Episode 35 of Odd Things I've Seen: the Podcast is out! It's called "Movie Monster Museums I Have Loved," and you can listen to it anywhere you listen to podcasts. As part of this episode, I have for the first time on OTIS posted photos from my recent visit to Cortlandt Hull's Witch's Dungeon in Plainville, Connecticut. Check those out, too. But listen to the episode to learn about my other favorites. Let's be Monster Kids for a while, you and I.

The X-Files is my favorite show of all time. I was even on the couch for its debut on September 10, 1993. So when I found out a museum of original props had opened a mere three hours from me in Saratoga Springs, New York, I wasted only two years to get there. Listen to the latest episode of Odd Things I've Seen: The Podcast to hear all about my visit to the astounding X-Files Preservation Collection and see the photos here. Otherwise, trust no one. 

Since I'm podcasting about The X-Files, here's an OTIS article from back in 2013, on the 20th anniversary of the show, where I wrote about my top eight episodes.