Tenney Castle Gatehouse Appearance

Tenney Castle Gatehouse
January 16, 2011 – Had a great time at last night’s appearance in Methuen, MA, at the Tenney Castle Gatehouse, a 180-year-old building in Greycourt State Park that is currently home to the Methuen Historical Society. Lots more people than expected braved the gentle snow flurries to attend, and we had to overflow everybody into a second room. I estimate somewhere between 30 and 400,000 showed up (I’m a wus when it comes to making educated guesses).

Of course, most were there for the ghosts. After the talk, people got down for some ghost hunting galore with the Essex County Ghost Project in the historic old building and the surrounding snow-drowned environs. I had to get home before that, though. I’m not a paranormal investigator kind of guy, but it’s one of the quirks of my life that I have pretty much everything else in common with those who are.

Thanks to Joe Bella and Tom Spitalere for inviting and hosting me at such a warm little venue, and thanks to everybody who showed up, especially Janice and Mike for their sudden enthusiastic support, as well as Becky and Hans, great friends since the early days of O.T.I.S.

Ghost hunters are watching you...

Me waiting an intermidable amount of time in front of the patient
audience while my projector tried to find my laptop. I think
Christians have hell wrong. I'm pretty sure I can endure eternal pain,
but the threat of eternal awkwardness would certainly have me living right.

I ended the presentation with my famous
"drinking water from a paper cup" trick.

I asked everybody to get in line, even if they didn't want
an autograph, just so the picture would look good.

Joe Bella, president of the Methuen Historical Society,
telling me about his Bette Davis collection, since her
birth in Lowell, MA, and later-life horror career
figured into the presentation.

Taking pics with people who take pics with people
who write books about death tourism.

Me and my wife, Lindsey.