Buffalo-Area Miscellany

September 4, 2010 – Yesterday, I got back from a 30-hour, 1,000+ mile, solo road trip to the Buffalo, NY, area as research for a current book project. However, as always seems to be the case, I stumbled upon way more than was on my list of sites and artifacts to check out. Thought I'd post some of those in-between pics from the trip (saving all the good stuff for the book, of course). Normally, I'd just throw a couple of the images on the O.T.I.S. Facebook Page or download and forget about them, but not all of you are on Facebook and it would be a shame to let Rick James, attack turkeys, and a giant conglomeration of canoes rot on my hard drive...

Worst epitaph ever, Mr. James.

A Nancy Rubens art installtion in front of
the Albright-Knox Art Gallery.

The abandoned Buffalo State Asylum

Hm. Should I?
One thing I've never gotten used to in the northeast.
All the wild turkeys

Charlotte failed this one.

Atomic-powered skull

The trip was actually like 1,037 miles, but I grabbed the pic here
'cause my trip odometer rolls back to 0 when it gets to four digits.