"Dark Shadows" Filming Sites

May 12, 2012 — Today I went to see the new Dark Shadows movie. It was generally what I expected. Over the past decade, Tim Burton’s gotten better and better at making weird stuff bland. But I’ve covered that topic before when I wrote about my visit to the Tim Burton exhibit.

As to the original 1960s Dark Shadows, I can’t call myself an aficionado (mostly because I have trouble pronouncing it), but I am somewhat versed. I’ve seen a couple of seasons of the original television series, as well as both of the movies that were made in the 1970s (House of Dark Shadows and Night of Dark Shadows).

It wasn’t enough to make me want to watch all 1200+ episodes, but I certainly like that the show exists. That on the timeline of television (which in my head is always being woven in gold thread by some vaunted god in the heavens), there is a spot where an atmospheric melodrama about monsters was so hugely popular that a 45-year-old man who looked like this could be a teen idol (RIP, Mr. Frid).

Throughout the past couple of years, I’ve also ended up at a few of the filming sites of both the original Dark Shadows series and the 1970s movies, so I figured I’d post a couple of pics of them, which I probably should have done about a week or so ago to take advantage of all the search hits on the topic.

I’m so bad at having a website.

The Carey mansion in Newport, RI, was the
exterior of Collinwood Mansion for the original series. 

Lyndhurst mansion in Tarrytown, NY, aka
Collinwood Mansion for the two 1970s movies.

Many of the buildings on the Lyndhurst estate were
used in the two movies, including this one.

Also, this cool abandoned greenhouse.

Lockwood-Matthews mansion in Norwalk, CT,  which
was where Barnabas "lived" in the
first Dark Shadows movie.

The vault  in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in
Sleepy Hollow, NY, where vampire Barnabas Collins
escapes after a century and a half of
imprisonment to kick off the first Dark Shadows movie.