August 26, 2010 — On a hill near the shore of Breed's Pond in the Lynn Woods Reservation (home of Skull Cliff) is a large cleft boulder. Upon entering that cleft, you’ll find an iron door set into the rock. If that door is unlocked and you brought your flashlight, you can explore the 135-foot-long cave. And you’re going to want to when you hear its history, which involves a father and son in the 1800s who made it their lives' work to excavate the tunnel at the urging of psychic mediums channeling a dead pirate who was supposed to have died all treasured up in a cave-in there in the 1600s. There are actually more facts in this story than lore, believe it or not.
Here be the story of Dungeon Rock. |
Beside Dungeon Rock, the burial location of one of the two men who excavated the cave. |
June 21, 2016 UPDATE: And, six years after I published the above, I finally found my way to Hiram Marble's grave in Bay Path Cemetery in 88 Main Street, Charlton, MA, about 70 miles from Dungeon Rock. He's buried with his wife and his epitaph is quite [super]naturally, "Hiram Marble Passed to Spirit Life Nov. 19, 1868."
Read all about my visit to Dungeon Rock in The New England Grimpendium.