Why Do it?
I don't know if most people read anymore. Like, I don’t know the last time somebody came up to me in the wild to give me book suggestions. Online, stats show people read the headlines only. I know that’s all I do. I’m not even sure you made it to this line in this article, honestly (buy my books). But I’ve had tons of people offer up podcasts to me and really want to discuss them.
Why didn’t you call it the Oddcast?
Because that was taken by podcaster number 449,438. Also taken is Odditycast and Poddities. Although, I don’t know why anyone would want that last one. Ten years of banging the oddity drum, and I still don’t own the term…even though David Bowie willed it to me, I swear.
How long are the individual episodes going to be?
I’m keeping them under 20 minutes. You have cooler things to shove in your ears. Plus a lot of Netflix to binge. Good thing we all gave up reading.
How often are you going to release an episode?
Right now, biweekly (which is an awful term that means both every other week and twice a week. I’m using it in the former sense). If enough people dig it and my personal project slate allows it, I could increase that rate to weekly. I've got stories, man, and speaking into a mic in my basement is kind of fun. I feel like Christian Slater in Pump Up the Volume.
What’s the format of the episodes?
The first handful will be about an individual oddity (or a group of related oddities). I’ll also be doing two oddities per episode for the oddities that have shorter stories. Eventually, I’d like to intersperse it with some general oddity hunting talk, Q&As, maybe some on-location stuff. That’s kind of up to you guys, though.
How do I listen?
You can stream or download it here on OTIS or on the OTIS Podbean page, and you can subscribe through any podcast app or platform. It’s on all the major ones, including iTunes.
What else can we lend you besides our ear canals?
Stars. Lots and lots of those yellow pointy things on iTunes. The more people rate it, the more visible it gets, and I’ll be able to beat podcasts like the Oddcast and Odditycast and Poddities and be the man the Thin White Duke always wanted me to be.
Anything else?
Seriously, over the years many of you have been extremely supportive of all my output—the blog, videos, books, my Patreon. And now I’m throwing this new thing at you through your headphones and asking for your attention there. I can never fully express my gratitude to you for supporting me in these endeavors. Or explain how much you’ve added to my life and made it better as a result.
But it does mean that you have to listen to my own words in my own voice in your own personal space. Sorry about the monster you created.