Today, after like half a year of foisting its eventual advent upon you, Twelve Nights at Rotter House is finally out there. You can pick it up anywhere (but here's the Amazon link, because so easy). Honestly, it wasn’t too auspicious a day. I spent it at my office in Boston, trying to get work done, but mostly following my Amazon ranking, posting on the socials, and responding to other people’s posts on the socials about Rotter House (and thanks so much from the bottom of my moldy heart, everyone who did that). I think I owe my job eight hours back.
I don’t think I have anything new to tell you about this book to convince you to buy it. So let’s review the evidence.
The Blurbs
"It's easy to recognize Ocker as a future master of madness after this thrilling haunted house trip."―Fangoria Magazine
"A good pick if you want to spruce up your haunted house offerings for Halloween." —Booklist
The Pitch
The Formats
This is the first time I’ve had multiple formats of one of my books released (not counting physical copy and ebook). You have your choice of hardcover, paperback, ebook, and audio version. This latter is the first time I’ve ever had an audio version of a book of mine. It has a different cover than the print version, and is narrated by Matt Godfrey, who does a fantastic job. His performance actually made me listen to the book longer than I thought I would be able to hear my own words thrust back into my ears.
Obviously, I need your help for this book to be a success. Especially since I have another horror novel I want to write, and this one needs to do well for me to sell. So the things you can do to help are:
1) Buy the book, in any format, from anybody (except those used resellers on Amazon).
2) Review the book on Amazon or Goodreads. I’m a word-of-mouth author, so I need words from mouths.
3) Talk about it on social media. See word-of-mouth point above. If you tag me, I’ll forward the hockey sticks out of it.
The Takeaway
But really, all the above to say that if you do buy or borrow or steal it, I really, sincerely I hope you enjoy it. It’s a strange little book, and a weird choice for my (technically) first foray into adult fiction. Although I’ll go to my casket believing adults should read Death and Douglas despite it having a cartoon character on the cover.